Radio amateurs in Florida may want to prepare for a significant hurricane due to impact the west coast of the state within the next 48-hours. As with all such tropical events, the exact intensity at time of landfall is difficult to predict. However, Hurricane Milton does pose a significant risk to life and property. Disruptions to the power grid and telecommunications networks are possible with this event.
The National Hurricane Center ( has available a variety of technical and graphical information. Current forecast data is nicely presented in the following graphics:

While modern commercial and government telecommunications infrastructure has proven rather resilient in prior hurricane events, radio amateurs should still be prepared to provide emergency communications services if necessary. As we have seen from the recent Hurricane Helene event, widespread disruptions remain possible under the right conditions.
Some possible EmComm preparations include:
- Ensure that mobile and portable equipment is functional. Spare battery packs for handheld radios and similar portable equipment should be available, including, if possible, spare battery packs capable of utilizing dry cell batteries.
- Stage sufficient message forms, radio logs, pencils, and note pads to facilitate operational conditions.
- Check that back-up power systems are ready including gasoline for generators, extension cords, and basic hand tools for field expedient repairs.
- Make a note of appropriate net frequencies.
- Check Winlink and DTN connectivity.
- If available, inspect spare antennas and deployable equipment to ensure nothing is missing if called upon to deploy to a field location.
- Familiarize yourself with the “I Am Safe” program, the Winlink-RRI Radiogram and Radiogram-ICS213 message forms and similar resources.
Some useful references:
The Radio Relay International website has some very useful documents and data available for your use. These documents can be downloaded and printed in advance of storm arrival. Examples include:
- An extensive, curated net directory
- Fillable radiogram and radiogram-ICS213 message for use as either hard-copy documents or for use as fillable pdf documents.
- A copy of the RRI National Response Plan.
- A description of the RRI “I Am Safe” program for managing the origination of health and welfare traffic including intake forms and operational data.
- A list of standardized RRC Radiogram Texts.
…..and more at:
Activating the National Response Plan:
RRI volunteers are always available to assist EmComm organizations or individual radio amateurs. One can activate the National Response Plan by transmitting a request radiogram, radiogram-ICS213 message or by placing a telephone call to:
Radio Relay International
325 East Front Street
Suite 115
Buchanan, MI. 49107
(833) 377-0722
(269) 650-0215
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