Become an RRI Registered Radio Operator

RRI is not a “membership” organization, but rather an association of nets. Also, RRI does NOT charge dues. We are an entirely volunteer organization operating as an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit NGO, which operates entirely on donations. This ensures that we are responsive to our stakeholders, and it isolates us from the “mission creep” and bias that sometimes affects nonprofit organizations which, when not managed properly, can devolve into hidden agenda or serve the self-interest of directors and officers.
When one becomes an RRI Registered Radio Operator, they receive notices of upcoming training sessions, scheduled disaster telecommunications exercises, emergency response operations, and other operational bulletins. Registered Radio Operators also receive notice when new issues of the “QNI Newsletter“are released.
Radio Operator registration
RRI Registered Radio Operators are expected to maintain the highest standards of operating courtesy and professionalism. By displaying the RRI field patch logo and our Registered Radio Operator Certificate, you agree to maintain high operating standards, and in doing so, you are indicating your support of the RRI mission and the responsibility to act in the public interest.
Net Registration
Nets wishing to affiliate with Radio Relay International should submit the standard Net Registration Form provided below. Any emergency communications or traffic net may register with Radio Relay International upon net membership approval. Nets affiliating with RRI are expected to maintain good operating practices and establish liaison with the traffic system, either directly with RRI infrastructure or indirectly through other networks integrated into the broader traffic system. Dual affiliation is permitted. For example, a net can be affiliated with both the ARRL and Radio Relay International.
Please consider affiliating with Radio Relay International. Once affiliation is approved by the net membership or other authorized entity, simply fill out the form provided, and return it to Radio Relay International.
Traffic nets and EmComm (ARES, REACT, AUXCOM, etc.) nets are also encouraged to register and affiliate with Radio Relay International. By affiliating the net agrees to maintain liaison with Radio Relay International nets. All RRI training materials and classes are available free-of-charge to non-profit public service organizations
Net Directory
Radio Relay International maintains an up to date, curated net directory. This is available on our web page under the “Publications” heading. When changes in frequency, operational periods, or net management occur, please re-submit the RRI Net Registration Form to update your listing, or contact the net database manager indicated on our RRI Net Directory, which is also available under the “Publications” heading.
Donations to RRI may be sent to:
Radio Relay International
C/O Emergency Preparedness Services, LLC
PO Box 43
Niles, MI. 49120
Make checks payable to “Radio Relay International.”