The growing interest in CW within the amateur radio community presents an exciting opportunity to reinvigorate CW nets and traffic operation.
It has been known for years that CW nets offer a high level of efficiency that often exceeds that of voice nets, and, under some conditions, CW even proves superior to digital modes. There is a reason why many CW traffic handlers have been active participants in nets for decades. These long-time traffic operators have discovered the beauty, elegance, and efficiency of radiotelegraphy.
With on-going improvements in the traffic system, and with the new trend of radio amateurs wanting to learn CW, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvigorate our CW nets.
RRI has, of course, been at the forefront of traffic system modernization, and CW nets remain an important part of the diverse communications systems and modes supported by RRI. Therefore, RRI is proud to announce a new initiative called the “Field Exercise CW Contest.” This initiative combines a “contest” element with emergency communications training in which participants earn points based on power-output level, portable or mobile operation, and integration into other activities. Of course, points are also earned for transmitting or relaying radiogram or NIMS radiogram-ICS213 messages to target stations during the contest.
RRI plans to begin scheduling these short 4-hour contest events beginning this summer. In the meantime, an outline explaining the contest can be found on the RRI website here: